Mandurah Triathlon Club
Mandurah Tri Club has a proud racing history in Triathlon. Come and join us and experience the excellent support and racing opportunities.

Our 2024-2025 Race Calendar is now available
Frequently asked questions

Triathlon Australia Membership provides access to benefits from 1 July to 30 June the following year.
Triathlon is a sport mostly run from late October through to early May with busiest months for events being March and April.
The cost of participating in a triathlon can vary.
Race entries can range from $5 per race for a club run event up to $35+ for a race being delivered by an external provider. These costs vary depending on whether the race is being delivered by volunteers or professional events companies, whether roads are being closed for the event, the scale and size of the event etc. Race entries are less for members as they don't have to pay for a one day race license for insurance purposes.
To participate in triathlon you don't need a great deal of equipment. As long as you have a bike that is safe (i.e. brakes work), a helmet and some running shoes you can participate!
Most triathlons are completed in the early morning to avoid the hottest part of the day and the allow enough time for everyone to complete.
When you arrive at the venue, your first stop should always be the registration desk. Make sure you leave plenty of time so you aren't rushed and are able to understand where everything is and can settle any race day nerves. Even though you may have already registered online, you still need to mark off that you are here and competing and pick up your race pack. You may also be able to look at the course maps here also to understand where your going.
Bike Check In
Next stop, Bike check in. Once transition is open you are able to rack your bike and set up your transition zone. Be sure the have your helmet on and clipped up prior to entering transition as officials will check it. Set transition up how your want it to be when you come out of the swim. Be careful, once transition is closed you wont be allowed back in until your racing so make sure you are prepared!
Race Briefing
20 minutes before swim start there will be a briefing. This is usually done at the swim start 15 minutes before the race begins. Its important to pay attention here as the race organizer will tell you important things you need to know about how the event will run.
Go Time!
Swim start - the start will either be a mass start (all participants in your age group go off together) or a wave start (small groups of participants in your age group will be sent off in intervals). Don't be nervous about the swim, only do what you feel comfortable doing and there are plenty of lifesavers willing to help you!
Remember Mum's and Dad's once the race is on you aren't allowed in transition to help your child, if your child needs assistance, there are volunteers and officials available to them at all times.
Finish Line
Most races have a recovery area for anyone who needs medical assistance and for participants to be able to recover from their race. This is usually a great meeting point for mum's and dad's to find their triathletes!
Transition Open
You have to wait until the last athlete is off the bike course before transition is open and you can collect your things. This rules is strictly adhered to. Your child got to appreciate an interruption free race so its only fair that others get to have the same courtesy. While your waiting, cheer on your fellow competitors and new found friends as they cross the finish line!
Presentations are a great way to relax and reflect on your amazing achievement! There are also often some great spot prizes on offer!
Home Time!
Congratulations to you for completing a triathlon! There are plenty of other races available to you as well as club and school programs to meet new friends and learn new skills!

Goggles, swim cap and bathers (you can wear a rash shirt)
Summer Season distances
Triathlon distances:
Enticer – 150m swim : 7.5km cycle : 1.5km run
Standard – 300m swim : 15km cycle : 3km run
Sprint – 750m swim : 20km cycle : 5km run
Duathlon distances:
Enticer – 1.5km run : 7.5km cycle : 1.5km run
Standard – 3km run : 15km cycle : 3km run

A bike and helmet, shirt, shorts (or bathers) – sunglasses are handy
Note: You can swim/bike/run in the same shorts and bike/run in the same shirt.
Each participant must have a well fitting helmet which is to be worn at all times during the cycle course
All participants must have their torso covered (singlet, t-shirt, one piece bathing suit, rash vest, trisuit, cycling top) at all times while on the cycle course
All participants must be wearing closed toe shoes at all times while on the cycle course
If a race number is provided, this must be worn at all times during the cycle course